Cacti seeds starting with "E"
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Echinopsis rhodotricha. QUANTITIES OVER 1000 SHIPS IN 2-3 WEEKS
Echinopsis Schick hybrids. Colorful hybrids from the old Schick Echinopsis collection including Progeny and others mixed.
Echinopsis seminudus
Echinopsis mix. Assorted flower colors and plant variations.
Echinopsis subdenudata.
Echinopsis sucrensis.
Echinopsis tupizensis
Epiphyllum hybrid grossblumig.
Epithelantha micromeris.
Eriocactus ampliocostatus
Eriocactus claviceps (Syn: Notocactus claviceps). USDA: 9b-11. Light shade. Hardy to 32° F. Full sun. Regular water in summer, keep somewhat dry in winter. Solitary or clumping cactus to 20", 12" diameter. Yellow flowers. Origin: Brazil.
Eriocactus grossei. Hardy to 30° F. Full sun. Regular water summer, dry winter, needs good drainage. Pale yellow flower. Columnar growth. Origin: Paraguay. QUANITIES OVER 100 SHIPS IN 2-3 WEEKS.
Eriocactus leninghausii. Hardy to 30 F. Light shade to full sun. Regular water summer, dry winter. Yellow flowers. Globular cactus grows to 2' tall. Origin: Southern Brazil.
Eriocactus leninghausii v longispinus
Eriocactus nigrispinus.
Eriocactus schumannianus. (Parodia schumannianus)
Eriocactus warasii (Syn: Notocactus warasii)
Eriosyce species mix
Escobaria roseana. USDA: 9-10. Hardy to 20° F. Full sun to light shade. Water sparingly. Provide good drainage. Root rot prone. Solitary, or slowly branching, forming small clusters. Pink or cream flowers. Origin: Mexico 5000 to 7000' feet elevation. THIS ITEM SHIPS 2-3 WEEKS.
Escobaria tuberculosa. USDA: 8b-10. Hardy to 10° F. Full sun to light shade. Water sparingly. Provide good drainage. Solitary, or slowly branching, forming small clusters. Pinkish white to pink flowers. Origin: New Mexico, Texas, Mexico. THIS ITEM SHIPS IN 2 WEEKS.
Escobaria zilziana. USDA: 9-10. Hardy to 22° F. Full sun to light shade. Water sparingly. Provide good drainage. Solitary, or slowly branching, forming small clusters. Pink to magenta flowers. Origin: Mexico. THIS ITEM SHIPS IN 2-3 WEEKS.
Escontria chiotilla. USDA: 9b-10. Hardy to 25° F. Full sun to light shade. Water sparingly. Provide good drainage. Tree-like cactus, up to 24' tall. Plants are grown for the fruit. Diurnal flowers. Origin: Mexico.
Espostoa baumannii. USDA: 9b-11. Hardy to 28° F. Full sun to light shade. Water sparingly. Provide good drainage. Origin: Peru.
Espostoa blossfeldiorum. (Syn: Trixanthocereus blossfeldiorum)
Espostoa churinensis
Espostoa guentheri (syn. of Vatricania guentheri)
Espostoa lanata. USDA: Sunset: 12-24; USDA: 9b-11. Hardy to 25° F. Full sun to light shade. Avoid hot locations. Regular water summer, keep dry winter. Columnar cactus, grows to 10' tall, branching at the base. White to purple flowers. Origin: Southern Ecuador, northern Peru.
Espostoa melanostele (syn: Pseudoespostoa melanostele).
Espostoa mirabilis. USDA: 9b-11. Hardy to 25° F. Full sun to light shade. Avoid hot locations. Regular water summer, keep dry winter. Columnar cactus, grows to 10 feet tall, branching at the base. White to purple flowers. Origin: Peru, 3000 to 5000 feet elevation.
Espostoa mirabilis v. primigens