Succulent Seeds A-Z
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Cotyledon orbiculata var. dactylopsis; Large-bushy, leaves finger like, pale grey-white.
Cotyledon orbiculata v. spuria (squat-bushy; leaves dark green-large-fleshy, large flower heads in winter,very showy.
Crassula portulacea.
Crassula tetragona v. robusta.
Cylindrophyllum comptonii
Dactylopsis digitata.
Dasylirion acrotriche (Green Sotol)
Dasylirion longissima (Syn: Dasylirion longissimum / Dasylirion quadrangulatum) Mexican grass tree.
Dasylirion wheeleri (Desert spoon). Sunset: 10-24; USDA: 7b-11. Full sun. Heat tolerant. Low water. Treelike growth to 10' tall, 5' in diameter. Hardy to 5 F. Origin: Arizona, New Mexico, western Texas, Northwest Mexico. 1700 seeds per oz.
Delosperma aberdeenense.
Delosperma napiforme
Deuterocohnia longipetala (Bromeliaceae). Chepes Viejo/La Rioja, Argentina- HV592
Didymaotus lapidiformis