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Ferocactus schwarzii. Sunset: 8-24; USDA: 10-11. Hardy to 25 F. Full sun. Hardy to 25 F. Water sparingly summer, keep dry winter. Solitary grows to 32" tall, 20" diameter. Yellow flowers, golden spines. Origin: Northern Sinaloa Mexico.
Ferocactus species mix. (Barrel cactus). An assortment of several ferocactus varieties, including: diguetii, cylindraceus, herrerae, latispinus, peninsulae, rectispinus, schwarzii, wislizenii and others. Ferocactus are one of the easiest cacti to germinate and grow. Nice flowers from yellow to red, and usually colorful fruit.
Ferocactus stainesii. USDA: 8b-11. Hardy to 25°F. Full sun. Little to moderate water. Clumping barrel grows to 8' tall. Yellow to red flowers. Origin: Central Mexico
Ferocactus stainesii v pilosus. USDA: 8b-11. Hardy to 25°F. Little to moderate water. Barrel cactus up to 8' tall. Yellow to red flowers. Origin: Central Mexico.
Ferocactus stainesii v pringlei. USDA: 8b-11. Hardy to 25° F. Little to moderate water. Clumping barrel cactus up to 8' tall. Yellow to red flowers. Origin: Central Mexico.
Ferocactus townsendianus. Sunset: 8-24; USDA: 9-10. Hardy to 25°F. Little to moderate water. Solitary barrel cactus to 20" tall. Deep orange to pale yellow flowers with darker orange mid-stripes. Origin: Baja California Mexico.
Ferocactus viridescens
Ferocactus viscainensis. USDA: 9b-11. Hardy to 25 F. Full sun. Hardy to 25 F. Water sparingly summer, keep dry winter. Usually solitary barrel up to 3' tall, 18" diameter. Yellow flowers with orange red stripes. Origin: Southern Baja California Mexico.
Ferocactus wislizenii (Fishhook barrel). Perfect seed for the beginner. Sunset: 8-24; USDA: 9-11. Full sun. Heat tolerant. Little or no water. Hardy to 5°F. Solitary barrel grows to 8' tall; 2' diameter. Orange / red flowers, large yellow fruit. Origin: Arizona, northern Mexico.
Ferocactus wislizenii (Fishhook barrel). Red flowers. Perfect seed for the beginner. Sunset: 8-24; USDA: 9-11. Full sun. Heat tolerant. Little or no water. Hardy to 5°F. Solitary barrel grows to 8' tall; 2' diameter. Red flowers, large yellow fruit. Origin: Arizona, northern Mexico.
Frailea chrysacantha. Hardy to 25°F. Light shade, keep dry winter. Clumping, stems 1" in diameter. Yellow flowers. Origin: Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay. quantities over 1000 ships in 2-3 weeks.
Frailea columbiana. Hardy to 25°F. Light shade. Keep dry winter. Clumping barrel, slowly offsetting, up to 6 inches tall. Origin: Colombia, Venezuela, Peru
Frailea concepcionensis. Light shade. Keep dry winter. Argentina, Paraguay.