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Eriocactus leninghausii. Hardy to 30 F. Light shade to full sun. Regular water summer, dry winter. Yellow flowers. Globular cactus grows to 2' tall. Origin: Southern Brazil.
Eriocactus leninghausii v longispinus
Eriocactus nigrispinus.
Eriocactus schumannianus. (Parodia schumannianus)
Eriocactus warasii (Syn: Notocactus warasii)
Eriosyce species mix
Escobaria roseana. USDA: 9-10. Hardy to 20° F. Full sun to light shade. Water sparingly. Provide good drainage. Root rot prone. Solitary, or slowly branching, forming small clusters. Pink or cream flowers. Origin: Mexico 5000 to 7000' feet elevation. THIS ITEM SHIPS 2-3 WEEKS.
Escobaria tuberculosa. USDA: 8b-10. Hardy to 10° F. Full sun to light shade. Water sparingly. Provide good drainage. Solitary, or slowly branching, forming small clusters. Pinkish white to pink flowers. Origin: New Mexico, Texas, Mexico. THIS ITEM SHIPS IN 2 WEEKS.
Escobaria zilziana. USDA: 9-10. Hardy to 22° F. Full sun to light shade. Water sparingly. Provide good drainage. Solitary, or slowly branching, forming small clusters. Pink to magenta flowers. Origin: Mexico. THIS ITEM SHIPS IN 2-3 WEEKS.
Escontria chiotilla. USDA: 9b-10. Hardy to 25° F. Full sun to light shade. Water sparingly. Provide good drainage. Tree-like cactus, up to 24' tall. Plants are grown for the fruit. Diurnal flowers. Origin: Mexico.
Espostoa baumannii. USDA: 9b-11. Hardy to 28° F. Full sun to light shade. Water sparingly. Provide good drainage. Origin: Peru.
Espostoa blossfeldiorum. (Syn: Trixanthocereus blossfeldiorum)
Espostoa churinensis