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Echinofossulocactus rosasianus.
Echinofossulocactus mix. An assortment of various forms and spination.
Echinofossulocactus tricuspitatus. Sunset 9b-11. Hardy to 25° F. Light shade in hot gardens, full sun other. Needs good drainage, keep dry winter. Usually solitary, globular cactus, up to 4" tall. Blush, purple flowers. Origin: Mexico.
Echinofossulocactus vaupelianus. Sunset 9b-11. Hardy to 20 deg. F. Light shade in hot gardens, full sun other. Needs good drainage, keep dry winter. Usually solitary, globular cactus, up to 5" diameter. Pale yellow flowers. Origin: Mexico.
Sunset 9b-11. Hardy to 25° F. Light shade in hot gardens, full sun other. Needs good drainage, keep dry winter. Usually solitary, globular cactus, up to 4" tall. White flowers. Origin: Mexico.
Echinofossulocactus xiphacanthus
Echinofossulocactus zacatecasensis.
Echinopsis pachanoi 'Huancabamba' Syn: Trichocereus pachanoi 'Huancabamba'
Echinopsis anacantha. This item ships in 2-3 weeks.
Echinopsis ancistrophora. (Syn: Lobivia) Sunset 16,17,21-24; USDA: 10-12. Hardy to 30 F. Light shade. Little water, needs good drainage. Clumping globular cactus. Origin: Argentina around 4000 ft elevation.
Echinopsis ancistrophora 'Campo Quijano/Salta' HV 1544
Echinopsis ancistrophora v. kratochviliana (Syn: Lobiva) - Salta/Jujuy Argentina HV 328
Echinopsis ancistrophora var. - Sa Medina/Tucuman - HV 1534