Trichocereus Species Seeds (Syn: Echinopsis, Lobivia, Helianthocereus)
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Trichocereus boliviensis.
Trichocereus bridgesii (Sunset: 16,17,21-24; USDA: 9-11) Full sun to light shade. Heat tolerant. Low water. Clustering columnar cactus, grows to 8' tall. Hardy to 20°F. Origin: Bolivia.
Trichocereus chilensis (Sunset: 16,17,21-24; USDA: 10-12). Full sun to light shade. Heat tolerant. Low water. Upright cactus, grows to 25' tall. Large white flowers. Hardy to 25°F. Origin: Chile.
Trichocereus chilensis v. borealis
Trichocereus escayachensis.
Trichocereus huascha. (Bright yellow flowers). Sunset: 3-24; USDA: 9-10. Hardy to 15° F. Full sun to light shade. Heat tolerant. Low water. Basally branching, up to 2 feet tall. Vivid red flowers. Origin: Argentina. HV1897a
Trichocereus macrogonus. Sunset: 16,17,21-24; USDA: 10-12. Hardy to 25° F. Full sun to light shade. Heat tolerant. Low water. Branching, up to 16' tall. Large white flowers. Origin: Peru.
More under Echinopsis listing. Trichocereus 'San pedro'. Sunset: 16,17,21-24; USDA: 8b-10. Full sun to light shade. Heat tolerant. Low water. Columnar, clustering cactus grows to 15' tall. Large white flowers. Hardy to 22° F. Origin: Ecuador and Peru.
Trichocereus 'Huancabamba' Trichocereus pachanoi Huancabamba. Syn: Echinopsis Huancabamba
Trichocereus pasacana. Sunset: 16,17,21-24; USDA: 10-12. Hardy to 25° F. Full sun to light shade. Heat tolerant. Low water. Columnar, golden cacti, branching at base and stem up to 24' tall. Saguaro-like appearance with age. Large white flowers. Origin: Chile, Argentina, Bolivia.
Trichocereus peruvianus (Torch cactus). Sunset: 16,17,21-24; USDA: 8b-10. Full sun to light shade. Heat tolerant. Low water. Columnar, clumping cactus grows to 16' tall. Hardy to 18 F. Large white flowers. Origin: Ecuador and Peru.
Trichocereus peruvianus 'Chavin' Peruvian Torch.
Trichocereus peruvianus 'Huantar' (Peruvian Torch)
Trichocereus species Chavindehuantar from Ancash, Peru. Trichocereus santaensis type.
Trichocereus peruvianus 'Longispinus' – Seeds originally collected from Cusco, Pisac, Peru at 2800m altitude. Most likely a T. cuzcoensis variety. Sold as Trichocereus peruvianus or Trichocereus cuzcoensis on the open market
Trichocereus Peruvianus 'San Marcos' (Peruvian Torch)