Shrub Seeds (A to Z)
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Acacia angustissima (Prairie acacia). A perennial, deciduous, shrub or tree in the Fabaceae family native to Central America and the United States. It is also found in South America, India and Pakistan. Approx. 2,200 seeds per oz.
Acacia cultriformis (knife-leaf wattle, dogtooth wattle, half-moon wattle). A perennial tree or shrub.
Acacia cyclops (Coastal Wattle)
Acacia greggii (Cat claw acacia). Tolerates reflected heat. Hardy to 0°F. Southwestern USA native. Deciduous, large shrub or small tree, fast growing from 8 to 20' tall. Drought tolerant, looks better with occasional watering. 270 seeds per oz.
Acacia redolens prostrata (Prostrate Acacia). Seeds collected from a very prostate form of the Acacia redolens. Used as a groundcover, good on slopes. Full sun, sprawling shrub evergreen up to 2' tall; 6-12' wide. Fast growth rate. Small yellow flowers. Woody trunks. Drought, heat tolerant. Hardy to 20°F or lower. Native to Australia. Approx. 3500 seeds per oz.
Allenrolfea occidentalis (Iodine bush) Email for availability and current pricing.
Ambrosia deltoidea (Triangle leaf). Full sun, heat tolerant, desert perennial shrub. Fast growing 2' tall; 3' spread. Little water once established. Native to Sonoran desert. 2400 seeds per oz.
Ambrosia dumosa (White bursage) 2400 seeds per oz.
Amelanchier alnifolia (Saskatoon Serviceberry). Native and introduced perennial shrub. The fruits are used in pies, jams, and syrup, Saskatoon wine is a regional specialty. Native Americans boiled branches to make a tea for treating colds. Height, 3-15 Feet. Requires 12" minimum precipitation. 25,800 seeds per pound.
Email for availability and current pricing.
Amelanchier utahensis (Utah Serviceberry). A small tree or large shrub. Grows to about 15' at maturity. The flowers have white petals and grow in small clusters. In early spring, while in bloom, the entire plant is snowy white. Seeds are formed in small apple-like pomes that are brown to black when ripe. The fruit are juicy and sweet. Widely scattered throughout Utah and are common in arid canyons and rocky areas usually between 3,000 and 9,000 feet in elevation. Once established, it is very drought well. The fruit are an excellent source of bird food and the foliage is eaten by livestock and wildlife.
Artemisia californica (Calif. Sagebrush).
Artemisia cana (Silver Sagebrush). Priced in bulk weight. PLS 34.40%
Artemisia filifolia (Sand Sagebush) Native and Introduced Perennial Shrub. Height, 2-4 Feet. Requires 6" minimum precipitation. 2,000,000 seeds per pound.
Asclepias speciosa (Showy Milkweed)
Asclepias syriaca (Common Milkweed)
Asparagus asparagoides 'Smilax' (Bridal creeper, Bridal-veil creeper, Gnarboola, Smilax asparagus) Herbaceous climbing plant of the family Asparagaceae native to tropical and southern Africa.
Asparagus pyramidalis
Asparagus sprengeri (Sprenger Asparagus).
Asparagus virgatus
Atriplex canescens (Four wing saltbush). 2800 seeds per oz. Grows from 2 to 6' tall. Does well in alkaline soils. Origin: Sonoran and Chihuahuan desert.
Atriplex confertifolia (Shadscale Saltbush). Native Perennial Shrub; Height, 1-3 Feet. Requires 4" minimum precipitation. 64,900 seeds per pound.
Atriplex cuneata (Castle Valley Clover) Native Perennial Shrub; Height, 6-12". Requires 6" minimum precipitation. 30,300 seeds per pound. (PLS)
Atriplex gardneri (Gardner's saltbrush).
Atriplex lentiformis (Quail bush). 20,000 seeds per oz.
Atriplex obovata (New Mexico saltbush). Email for availability and current pricing.
Atriplex polycarpa (Desert saltbush).
Atriplex semibaccata (Australian Salt Bush)
Caesalpinia cacalaco (Cascalote). Evergreen tree, growing slowly to 20' tall, 20' wide. Sun and heat tolerant. Hardy to 20°F. Little water. Native to Southern Mexico. 80 seeds per oz.
Caesalpinia mexicana (Mexican Bird of Paradise). Evergreen small tree or large shrub. Fast growing to 10-18' tall; 6 -15' wide. Yellow flowers. Hardy to 20° F. Drought tolerant. Approx. 300 seeds per oz.
Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Red bird of paradise). Full sun, heat tolerant. Root hardy to 15 F, leaf drop at 30 F. Drought tolerant, happy with infrequent deep watering. Native to Central America, northwestern South America, West Indies. 180 seeds per oz.