Shrub Seeds (A to Z)
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Hesperaloe funifera. The largest of the Hesperaloes, closely related to Yucca, forms upright, clustering rosettes of heavy, stiff, yellow-green leaves. Grows to 6' tall. Native to Chihuahuan desert: Texas, northeastern Mexico. Full sun, well drained soil, hardy to 0 deg. F. Approx. 1000 seeds per oz.
Hesperaloe parviflora (Red yucca) Sunset: 10,12,13,16,18-24. Full sun. Heat tolerant. Low water. Grows to 3' tall, 4' wide. Hardy to 5°F. Origin: Texas, northeastern Mexico. Approx. 950 seeds per oz.
Hymenoclea salsola is a flowering plant, native to California. In the daisy family known by several common names, including white burrobrush, cheesebush, and desert pearl. Grows two to three feet tall and is recommended for use in seed blends intended for dry, sandy, desert areas.
Hypericum calycinum. (St. John's Wort) is a small, semi-evergreen shrub with screaming bright yellow flowers,
Isocoma menziesii (Golden Brush). A shrub native to California and western North America.
Isomeris arborea (Bladderpod)
Juniperus monosperma (One-seed Juniper) A species of juniper native to western North America, in the United States in Arizona, New Mexico, southern Colorado, western Oklahoma (Panhandle), and western Texas, and in Mexico in the extreme north of Chihuahua. It grows at 970–2300 m altitude. Evergreen coniferous shrub or small tree growing to 2–7 m (rarely to 12 m) tall, usually multistemmed, and with a dense, rounded crown. 580 seeds per oz.
Juniperus scopulorum (Rocky Mt. Juniper)
Larrea tridentata (Creosote bush). Full sun. Hardy to 0 F. Straggly evergreen shrub, slowly growing to 8-10', 6' wide. No water after established. Native Southwestern USA, south to central Mexico, southern South America. Approx. 3000 seeds per oz.
Leptospermum laevigatum
Leptospermum repestre
Lycium andersonii (Wolfberry). Approx. 400,000 seeds per lb. Seeds are mixed with chaff.
Lycium exsertum (Thornbush / Arizona desert-thorn).
Macfadyena Unguis-cati (Catclaw vine)
Melaleuca huegelii (Chenille Honey-myrtle). A shrub or small tree which is endemic to Western Australia. Its pink, white or purple flowers appear between early spring and mid summer. Commonly cultivated in Australia, but has not spread into general horticulture to the extent that it deserves.
Mimosa dysocarpa (Velvet pod)
Nandina domestica (Heavenly Bamboo)
Nicotiana tabacum (Bolivian Black Tobacco Seeds) Open culivation.From Wikipedia: Nicotiana tabacum, or cultivated tobacco, is an annually-grown herbaceous plant. Found only in cultivation, where it is the most commonly grown of all plants in the Nicotiana genus, and its leaves are commercially grown in many countries to be processed into tobacco. It grows to heights between 1 to 2 metres. Research is ongoing into its ancestry among wild Nicotiana species, but it is believed to be a hybrid of Nicotiana sylvestris, Nicotiana tomentosiformis, and possibly Nicotiana otophora.
Nicotiana tabacum (Kentucky Tobacco Seeds) Open culivation.
From Wikipedia: Nicotiana tabacum, or cultivated tobacco, is an annually-grown herbaceous plant. Found only in cultivation, where it is the most commonly grown of all plants in the Nicotiana genus, and its leaves are commercially grown in many countries to be processed into tobacco. It grows to heights between 1 to 2 metres. Research is ongoing into its ancestry among wild Nicotiana species, but it is believed to be a hybrid of Nicotiana sylvestris, Nicotiana tomentosiformis, and possibly Nicotiana otophora.
Nicotiana tabacum (Virginia Black Tobacco Seeds) Open culivation.From Wikipedia: Nicotiana tabacum, or cultivated tobacco, is an annually-grown herbaceous plant. Found only in cultivation, where it is the most commonly grown of all plants in the Nicotiana genus, and its leaves are commercially grown in many countries to be processed into tobacco. It grows to heights between 1 to 2 metres. Research is ongoing into its ancestry among wild Nicotiana species, but it is believed to be a hybrid of Nicotiana sylvestris, Nicotiana tomentosiformis, and possibly Nicotiana otophora.
Philodendron selloum
Pinus ponderosa 12,000 seeds per pound
Plantago erecta (Dot-Seed Plantain)
Prunus virginiana (Chokecherry). Native Perennial Shrub; Height, 5-30 feet. Requires 14" minimum precipitation. 4,800 seeds per pound.
Purshia tridentata (Antelope Bitterbrush) Native Perennial Shrub; Grows to 2-15 Feet. Needs 8" minimum annual rain. Plant in Fall, Winter, Early Spring 15,000 seeds per pound.
Radermachera sinica (China doll, Serpent tree or Emerald tree). Evergreen tree in the family Bignoniaceae, native to the subtropical mountain regions of southern China and Taiwan. It can reach heights of up to 30 m tall and a trunk diameter of 1 m. The flowers are white, trumpet-like, about 7 cm long, and resembling a large Bignonia flower in shape. Used as a houseplant and bonsai.
Rhus aromatica v. simplicifolia (Singleleaf skunk brush)
Rhus glabra (Smooth Sumac)
Rhus integrifolia (Lemonade Berry). Grows from Santa Barbara County, CA south into Baja along the coast. A wide-mounding evergreen shrub, 5-10 feet tall, spreading 12 feet, its thick, dull-green leaves cover the plant densely. Tight clusters of cream to pink-colored flowers appear around February, and bunches of flat-sided berries mature in early summer to a rust-red. Loaded with citric acid, they can indeed be made into a tart drink reminiscent of lemonade. On slopes, root depth can reach 15-25 feet making Rhus integrifolia an excellent plant for erosion control.
Rhus trilobata (Skunkbrush sumac). 1100 seeds per oz.