Shrub Seeds (A to Z)
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Callistemon ‘Capt. Cook’ (Dwarf form of viminalis). Approx. 50000 seeds per oz.
Callistemon citrinus
Callistemon rigidus
Callistemon viminalis
Calothamnus gilesii
Calothamnus quadrifidus (Net Bush) 50000 seeds oz.
Cassia artemisioides (Feathery senna / Feathery Cassia ). Full sun to part shade, heat tolerant. Hardy to 15°F. Evergreen shrub. cylindrical gray-green leaflets. Fast growing to 6' tall; 6' spread. Little to moderate water. Native to Australia. 1700 seeds per oz.
Cassia covesii (Syn: Senna covesii). Desert Senna
Cassia didymobotrya (Senna didymobotrya)
Cassia nemophila (Green senna). Full sun, heat tolerant. Hardy to 20°F. Evergreen shrub. Cylindrical grayish-green leaflets. Fast growing to 6' tall; 6' spread. Infrequent watering when established. Native to Australia. 1500 seeds per oz.
Ceanothus greggii (Desert ceanothus)
Ceanothus velutinus (Snowbrush ceanothus). Email for availability and current pricing.
Celtis ehrenbergiana (Spiny Hackberry) Approx. 350 seeds per oz.
Celtis pallida (Desert hackberry) (aka Celtis ehrenbergiana). (Sunset: 10-13; USDA: 7-10. Full sun. Spiny semi-evergreen shrub, up to 20' tall, 8' spread; small dark green leaves. Drought hardy. Origin: Texas, New Mexico, northern Mexico from 3000 to 8000' elevation. Approx. 350 seeds per oz.
Celtis reticulata (Netleaf hackberry). Approximately 220 seeds per oz.
Cercocarpus ledifolius (Curl Leaf Mountain Mahogany). Native Perennial Shrub. Height, 8-30 feet. Requires 8" minimum precipitation. 30,000 seeds per pound.
Cercocarpus montanus (True Mountain Mahogany). Native Perennial Shrub; 3-15'. Approx. 1600 seeds per oz.
Chilopsis linearis (Desert willow). Deciduous shrub or small tree, fast growing to 25' tall; 20' spread. Heat resistant, Hardy to 10°F. Moderate to little water, needs good drainage. Native to Southwest USA, northern Mexico. Approx. 4500 seeds per oz.
Chrysothamnus vasey (Vasey Rabbitbrush)
Cordyline stricta (Synonym: Slender Palm Lily)
Dodonaea viscosa purpurea (Purple-leafed Hop-bush)
Dracaena draco
Encelia farinosa (Brittlebush). Full sun, heat tolerant, short lived evergreen bush. Hardy to 26°F. Fast growing up to 3' tall; 5' wide. Needs good drainage. Drought hardy when established. Average Live Seed per Bulk Pound: 82,000. Origin: Southwestern USA, northwestern Mexico, Baja California.
Encelia farinosa (Brittle bush). Full sun, heat tolerant. Hardy to 26°F. Short lived evergreen bush. Fast growing up to 3' tall; 5' wide. Needs good drainage. Native Southwestern USA, northwestern Mexico, Baja California. 8000 seeds per oz.
Ephedra nevadensis (Nevada ephedra). Native Perennial Shrub; Height, 2-5 Feet. Requires 5" minimum precipitation. 19,900 seeds per pound.
Ephedra viridis (Green mormon tea). Native Perennial Shrub; Height, 2-4 Feet. Requires 7" minimum precipitation. 25,000 seeds per pound.
Ericameria nauseosa nauseosus (Rubber Rabbitbrush). (Syn: Chrysothamnus nauseosus). Native Perennial Shrub; Height, 2-7 Feet. Requires 8" minimum precipitation. 400,000 seeds per pound.
Eriogonum effusum
Fatsia japonica (Japanese aralia) syn. Aralia japonica
Fouquieria splendens (Ocotillo). Full sun. Hardy to 0° F. Drought deciduous shrub, slow growing to 20' tall; 15' in spread. Spiny branches, small green leaves, orange flowers. Little water. Origin: Chihuahuan and Sonoran desert, West Texas, AZ, CA, Mexico.