Ferocactus Species Seeds
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Ferocactus Species Variety Packs. Each variety individually packaged and labeled. Assortments are assembled from the following varieties. Selection varies based on availability.
Assortments are assembled from the following varieties. Selection varies based on availability. Ferocactus acanthodes, alamosanus, californicus, chrysacanthus, covillei, electracanthus, acanthodes, alamosanus, californicus, chrysacanthus, covillei, electracanthus, emoryi, flavovirens, fordii, gracilis, hamatacanthus ssp. sinuatus, herrerae, horridus, hystrix, latispinus, macrodiscus, peninsulae, pottsii, pringlei, rectispinus
Ferocactus acanthodes (Syn. Ferocactus cylindraceus). Sunset: 8-24; USDA: 9-10. Full sun. Heat tolerant. Little or no water. Hardy to 20°F. Solitary barrel grows to 6' tall; 16' diameter. Bright red spines. Native to the eastern Mojave Desert and western Sonoran Desert Ecoregions in: Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah in the Southwestern United States; and Baja California, and Sonora state in Northwestern Mexico. It is found in gravelly, rocky, or sandy soils, in Creosote Bush Scrub and Joshua Tree Woodland habitats, from 60–1,500 metres (200–4,900 ft) in elevation.
Ferocactus ferocactus acanthodes v chrysacanthus (Yellow spined)
Ferocactus acanthodes v. albispinus.
Ferocactus acanthodes v. eastwoodiae
Ferocactus alamosanus
Ferocactus covillei. USDA 9b-11. Full sun, heat tolerant, needs little water. Hardy to 24° F. Solitary barrel grows to 6' tall. Flower color varies from orange, red-orange, bright yellow. Origin: Baja Mexico.
Ferocactus cylindraceus (Syn. ferocactus acanthodes). Sunset: 8-24; USDA: 9-10. Full sun. Heat tolerant. Little or no water. Hardy to 20°F. Solitary barrel grows to 6' tall; 16' diameter. Bright red spines. Native to the eastern Mojave Desert and western Sonoran Desert Ecoregions in: Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah in the Southwestern United States; and Baja California, and Sonora state in Northwestern Mexico. It is found in gravelly, rocky, or sandy soils, in Creosote Bush Scrub and Joshua Tree Woodland habitats, from 60–1,500 metres (200–4,900 ft) in elevation.
Ferocactus echidne. USDA 9b-11. Full sun, heat tolerant, needs little water. Hardy to 24°F. Solitary barrel grows to 12" tall, 8" diameter. Yellow flowers. Origin: Central Mexico.
Ferocactus electracanthus. (Syn Ferocactus histrix, Echinocactus electracanthus)
Ferocactus emoryi USDA 9b-11. Full sun, heat tolerant, needs little water. Hardy to 24° F. Solitary barrel grows to 6' tall. Flower color varies from orange, red-orange, bright yellow. Origin: Baja Mexico.
Ferocactus glaucescens (Blue barrel). USDA: 9b-11. Full sun to light shade. Heat tolerant. Little to no water. Hardy to 28° F. Usually solitary barrel grows to 2.5' tall; 18" diameter. Origin: Eastern central Mexico.
Ferocactus hamatacanthus ssp. sinuatus (Turk's Head) AKA Echinocactus hamatacanthus / Hamatocactus hamatacanthus. USDA: 8b-11. Full sun. Heat tolerant. Little or no water. Hardy to 16°F. Grows to 2' cluster. Origin: Texas, Mexico
Ferocactus herrerae (USDA: 9-11). Full sun. Heat tolerant. Little or no water. Hardy to 20°F. Solitary barrel grows to 6' tall; 16" diameter. Yellow to red flowers, large yellow fruit. Origin: Mexico
Ferocactus horridus. USDA 9b-11. Full sun, heat tolerant, needs little water. Hardy to 25° F. Flowers are golden yellow with reddish mid-stripe. Origin: Mexico (Southern Baja California).
Ferocactus hystrix. (Syn: Ferocactus electracanthus, Echinocactus electracanthus) USDA 9b-11. Curved golden spines, grey green body. Full sun to light shade, needs little water. Hardy to 25°F. Origin: Mexico.
Ferocactus latispinus. (Red spines / purple flowers ). Sunset: 11-13; USDA: 9b-11. Full sun to light shade, heat tolerant, needs little water. Hardy to 25°F. Origin: Mexico.
Ferocactus macrodiscus. Sunset: 8-24; USDA: 9b-10. Full sun to light shade. Hardy to 25 F. Water sparingly summer, keep dry winter. Solitary barrel with a bluish green stem grows to 8-12" tall. Pink and white striped flowers. Origin: Mexico.
Ferocactus peninsulae. USDA: 9b-11. Hardy to 25°F. Full sun. Hardy to 25°F. Water sparingly summer, keep dry winter. Usually solitary barrel up to 3' tall, 18" diameter. Yellow flowers with orange red stripes. Thick red spines. Origin: Southern Baja California Mexico.
Ferocactus pottsii
Ferocactus pringlei
Ferocactus pringlei var. pilosus
Ferocactus rectispinus. USDA 9b-11. Full sun, heat tolerant, needs little water. Hardy to 24°F. Solitary barrel grows to 6'tall. Long straight spines. Flower color varies from orange, red-orange, and yellow. Origin: Baja Mexico.
Ferocactus reppenhageni.
Ferocactus robustus. (Syn:Echinocactus robustus) USDA: 9-12. Hardy to 20°F. Full sun. Hardy to 25°F. Water sparingly summer, keep dry winter. Clumping barrel cactus, can accumulate hundreds of heads. Yellow flowers. Origin: South central Mexico.
Ferocactus schwarzii. Sunset: 8-24; USDA: 10-11. Hardy to 25 F. Full sun. Hardy to 25 F. Water sparingly summer, keep dry winter. Solitary grows to 32" tall, 20" diameter. Yellow flowers, golden spines. Origin: Northern Sinaloa Mexico.
Ferocactus species mix. (Barrel cactus). An assortment of several ferocactus varieties, including: diguetii, cylindraceus, herrerae, latispinus, peninsulae, rectispinus, schwarzii, wislizenii and others. Ferocactus are one of the easiest cacti to germinate and grow. Nice flowers from yellow to red, and usually colorful fruit.
Ferocactus stainesii. USDA: 8b-11. Hardy to 25°F. Full sun. Little to moderate water. Clumping barrel grows to 8' tall. Yellow to red flowers. Origin: Central Mexico
Ferocactus stainesii v pilosus. USDA: 8b-11. Hardy to 25°F. Little to moderate water. Barrel cactus up to 8' tall. Yellow to red flowers. Origin: Central Mexico.
Ferocactus stainesii v pringlei. USDA: 8b-11. Hardy to 25° F. Little to moderate water. Clumping barrel cactus up to 8' tall. Yellow to red flowers. Origin: Central Mexico.