Ariocarpus Species Seeds
Ariocarpus fissuratus (Living rock/ False Peyote). Sunset: 11-13; USDA: 8b-11. Hardy to 25° F. Full sun to light shade, needs protection in hottest desert gardens. Solitary spineless, grows very slowly to 8" in diameter. Little water summer, no water in winter. Pink to Magenta flowers, 1.5 inches in diameter. Origin: S. of Alpine/Texas. CITI protected. Cannot ship out of USA.
Ariocarpus fissuratus v. hintonii. CITI protected. Cannot ship out of USA.
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus. CITI protected. Cannot ship out of USA.
Ariocarpus retusus (Seven stars). Sunset: 11,13; USDA: 9b-11. Hardy to 27° F. Full sun to light shade, needs protection in hottest desert gardens. Solitary spineless, slowly growing up to 10" in diameter. Little water summer, no water in winter. White flowers with pink stripe in center, 2" in diameter. Origin: Mexico. CITI protected. Cannot ship out of USA.
Ariocarpus species mix. The mix varieties from batch to batch. Usually consists of Ariocarpus fissuratus, furfuraceus, retusus, trigonus, confusus and subspecies of each of these, and others. CITI protected. Cannot ship out of USA.
Ariocarpus trigonus. Sunset: 11, 13; USDA: 9b-11. Hardy to 27° F. Full sun to light shade, needs protection in hottest desert gardens. Solitary spineless, slowly growing up to 12" in diameter, 10" tall. Little water summer, no water in winter. Needs limestone in soil, soil must have good drainage. 1- 2" white to yellowish white flowers with a satin sheen. Origin: Mexico at 2000 to 4000 feet. CITI protected. Cannot ship out of USA.
Ariocarpus trigonus v. horacekii. CITI protected. Cannot ship out of USA.