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Melaleuca leucadendron (Cajeput Tree)
Melaleuca linariifolia (Flaxleaf Paperbark)
Melaleuca nesophila
Melaleuca pentagona.
Melaleuca quinquinerva.
Olneya tesota (Desert ironwood). Evergreen tree or large shrub, growing slowly to 15-30' tall; 15-25' spread. Heat tolerant. Little or no water. Hardy to 25°F. Origin: Sonoran desert in AZ and Mexico. 95 seeds per oz.
Parkinsonia aculeata (Mexican palo verde). Approx. 225 seeds per oz.
Pinus flexilis (Limber Pine)
Pithecellobium flexicaule (Texas ebony). Evergreen tree, semi deciduous, grows very slowly to 30 feet tall; 30 feet wide. Heat tolerant. Little or no water. Hardy to 10° F. Native to Texas Florida, Yucatan. Approx. 50 seeds per oz.
Pithecellobium mexicanum (Mexican Ebony) Full sun, drought hardy, summer irrigation promotes quick growth. Hardy to 18 F. Compact tree grows to 20' tall, 15' wide or larger. Origin: Baja California, Sonora and Sinaloa.
Prosopis juliflora velutina (Velvet Mesquite, Arizona Mesquite) 800 seeds per oz.
Family: Fabaceae Synonym: Prosopis articulata, Prosopis juliflora var. articulata, Prosopis juliflora, Prosopis chilensis var. velutina, Neltuma velutina, Prosopis juliflora var. velutina Scientific Name: Prosopis velutina Woot. Velvet Mesquite, Arizona Mesquite
Seeds are still in the hulls and the some have holes bored from the pollinators, most of the seeds with holes will germinate.
Prosopis pubescens (Screwbean mesquite)
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir)Germination tip: Soak in water for 24 hoursStratification: Cold stratify for 30 daysGermination: Sow seed 1/4 inch deep, mulch seed bedOther: Fall sowing in mulched beds is prefered to artificial stratificationIf refrigerated upon receipt, these seeds can be stored for up to a year before use.
Ptelea trifoliata (Western Hop Tree)
Rhus integrifolia (Lemonade Berry). Grows from Santa Barbara County, CA south into Baja along the coast. A wide-mounding evergreen shrub, 5-10 feet tall, spreading 12 feet, its thick, dull-green leaves cover the plant densely. Tight clusters of cream to pink-colored flowers appear around February, and bunches of flat-sided berries mature in early summer to a rust-red. Loaded with citric acid, they can indeed be made into a tart drink reminiscent of lemonade. On slopes, root depth can reach 15-25 feet making Rhus integrifolia an excellent plant for erosion control.
Rhus typhina. 53000 seeds per Lb.
Sapindus drummondii (Western Soapberry). 85 seeds per oz.
Sophora secundiflora (Texas mountain laurel) 40 seeds per oz.
Thevetia neriifolia. (Cascabela thevetia), Yellow oleander. Approx. 145 seeds per LB
Tipuana tipu
Ulmus parvifolia (Chinese Elm) A small to medium deciduous, semi-deciduous tree growing to 30–60 ft tall with a slender trunk and crown. The leathery, lustrous green single-toothed leaves are small and are often retained as late as December or even January in Europe and North America. 8,000 seeds per oz.
Ulmus pumila
Washingtonia filifera (California Fan Palm). Occurs naturally in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts of southeastern California, southwestern Arizona, and northern Baja California, Mexico from sea level to 1,800 feet elevation. Seeds collected in Phoenix. This clone has a thick trunk, over 3' in diameter and grows to 35' tall.
Sonoran Desert Tree Seed Assortment:
Cercidium floridum (Blue palo verde)Cercidium microphyllum (Foothills palo verde)Parkinsonia aculeata (Paloverde)Olneya tesota (Ironwood)Prosopis juliflora (Honey mesquite)Prosopis pubescens (Screwbean mesquite)
6 packs of 10 seeds each (60 seeds) $13.50
6 packs of 25 seeds each (150 seeds) $20
6 packs of 100 seeds each (600 seeds) $35
Recommended temperature zones:Sunset: 10-13,27-30 USDA: 8b-11